What is Fever and How to Break Fever?

Fever is one of the most common reasons why parents bring their children to me for an evaluation. Many parents perceive fever as a disease and fear that it may cause harm or even death if it is not treated. In this article, I would like to dispel the fever phobia.

What is fever? Why it Happens? 

Answering to the Question What is Fever, Fever is an elevation of the body's temperature in response to infection. A part of the brain called the hypothalamus serves as the body's thermostat.

It is important to understand fevers to protect our health. Fevers are usually a normal condition but can be the first sign of more severe diseases and On our Website Page, We have Discussed about fever Thoroughly in Detail.

How to Break a Fever?

Before you Go to Doctor OR Whether you treat your fever at your Home, You should have a look over our Important Information we shared about Fever As the Information is Also given by Senior Doctors Practicing for 20+ years. Check out our Website Now: Fever Cures
